A nationwide retailer with over 500 locations realized they needed a more cost efficient contact center because sales growth impact was being dampened by unsustainably high growth in contact center costs as sales grew. They needed to reduce costs per sale but they could not allow a drop in Customer Satisfaction or Customer Experience (CSAT/CX).
“We realized a couple of years ago that we could no longer grow our contact center at the same rate in which we were growing our sales. When I started here eight years ago, we had 40 people that worked in the contact center. Now, as we sit here today, we are close to 500. Every time we grow demand, we can’t grow people.”
Director of Customer Operations
Simplify’s Contact Center Practice Lead discussed the challenges with the client, and they jointly put forth a clear primary goal for their business using Artificial Intelligence:
Create an environment that would allow us to address the increasing volume of customer engagements without the corresponding increase in labor/costs, while also not sacrificing their customer satisfaction (CSAT) or experience (CX).
We offered the client solutions that would meet their goal, and we helped them evaluate those solutions in light of their environment and business processes. The client landed on an Artificial Intelligence solution using SmartAction as the solution provider.
“The hesitation that we had years ago when AI-assisted service was a new, hyped technology, was whether we wanted to hand over our customer experience to anyone other than our associates. As we evolved and learned, it became clear that we didn’t need to sacrifice customer experience for cost savings. We realized there were opportunities to introduce automation to work hand-in-hand with our live agents – to help the interaction, rather than completely take it over.” Director of Customer Operations
Simplify collaboratively walked the client throught the decision making process…and once the client chose the solution and provider, Simplify worked hand-in-hand with the provider and the client to create and execute a solid implementation plan. The client met their goal, achieving these significant results for their business…
#1 Reduced contact center cost per new sales dollar
#2 Reduced Agent Handle Time by 19%
#3 Increase CSAT by 30%
Everyone needs to surround themselves with people that make them smarter, more productive and better able to deliver exceptional results. I’m proud to say the Simplify Practice Lead for Contact Centers is one of those people for me. I’ve worked with Simplify for several years and their ability to understand my challenges and present clear solutions makes them one of my most trusted advisors.
The Simplify Practice Lead’s expert level of knowledge in contact center technology is second to none and they have the ability to connect professionals across the industry to exceed my expectations. Simplify helped me move my contact center to the cloud and transition to AI. If you need a partner to separate your contact center from the pack, Simplify is a partner you must have on you team!